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Golf Made Simple Blogs

How To Choose YOUR Best Golf School

When researching and choosing the best golf school for you there are questions that we recommend asking your prospective golf pro and trainer, prior to selecting them. Below you will find a list of 12 questions to

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How To Improve 10 Strokes

Improve From 105 To 95 The differences between the erratic 105 Golfer and the more consistent 95 Golfer! A 10 stroke difference is huge. It sounds much better when you’re able to say that you “broke 100 today!”

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The Definition Of Inconsistency

As most Golfers make the same swing mistakes over and over – they’re often left wondering why they never improve. We have found that there are a few simple traits that consistent Players possess that all Golfers

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Practice: Do You? How Much? What?

How much do you need to practice your golf swing in order to improve? Can you over-practice? What should you be practicing? Many Golfers stay frustratingly inconsistent — regardless of how badly they want to improve. As

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Is Your Golf Swing Fixable?

The golf swing is a series of “Causes and Effects” that determine whether you hit a good shot or not. When you hit a good shot – it’s because you either have a perfect golf swing …

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Regaining Consistency Isn’t Difficult

“A Desperate Golfer that searches for problem solving golf tips often becomes a chronically Frustrated Golfer!” There are several actions a struggling Golfer can try in their attempt to find consistency … unfortunately for these Golfers …

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Feel A Consistent Swing

“My golf swing is so inconsistent” said the Golfer. “I can hit a good shot, but then my next swing … although it feels exactly the same … is a totally different shot. Yet, I can’t tell

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Consistency With Your Driver

The common issue many Golfers have is that when they want to hit the golf ball farther … they usually hit a worse than average shot. As the result is often a shot that is short, or

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Power In Your Golf Swing

Often times we hear Golfers say they have a problem of using too much of their right side in their golf swing. Left-handed Golfers – just reverse everything I’m saying. As many Golfers have been told they

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Power, Consistency, Happiness

A common statement we hear from many frustrated Golfers is that they have been told they are using too much of their right side in their golf swing. However, working to take your right side out of

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Golf Has Been Good To Me!

Golf is truly an International Game. Let me give you this example: In the 90-days, from this past Monday, October 4th till the beginning of December we’ll have had golfers come to see us from Japan, Switzerland,

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Golf Practice In The Winter

Are you tired of going into each new golf season with high expectations and then ending your season not reaching your goals? This is often followed by you promising yourself that you’re going to work hard during

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Tiger Woods vs. Rocco Mediate

What Can You Learn From This Classic Golf Match? Wow! Was that a fantastic golf match or what? Tiger and Rocco – Player e Player for 19 holes. That’s about as good as it can get. But,

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Are You Playing For Score?

“Play For Your PLAN, don’t plan for your score.” If you can live by this simple sentence on the golf course, you can succeed in playing well. If you turn it around to say – “Play for

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Meet Mr. Slice

Here it comes again. That big old slice of yours. You knew it would show it’s ugly self again. You just didn’t know when! The story of your golf life continues. The agony of all agonies on

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Who Do You Play Golf For?

Or let me put it another way – When you’re on the golf course, are you ever worried what other people are thinking about your swing or your game? Monkeys are more worried about how their golf

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This Is My Worst

How bad do you want it? It seems that the more you sit inside and the less you’re out playing golf – the more excited and optimistic about your golf game you become. Isn’t that odd? Odd,

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Do You Remember?

Do you remember this from January 4, 2004? It was one of our most popular and I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading it again because I’ll wager a good sum of cash that it applies to your golf

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Habits are Habits

Habits in Golf are usually classified as being good or bad. Have you ever heard of Mediocre Habits? Mediocre Habits – this is like a gray area. You know that you have some Good Habits and you

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How To Score On The Golf Course

How To Score! What’s happening on the golf course around the greens? It’s getting scary out there! When I go out on the golf course I see golfers walking up to play their short game shots with

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Play Golf Like Vince Lombardi

Here’s an analogy for you and your golf game- It’s Football season here in America or as our European, Asian, African, South American, Australian, Mexican and Canadian friends say – it’s American Football season. And one things

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You’re A Monkey If You …

Before you read each statement below, please repeat the phrase – “You’re a Monkey if you”: ….. go to warm-up at the driving range with just your Driver before playing. What are you thinking? Could you ever

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How To Draw The Golf Ball

My understanding of the game of golf is that you’re trying to get the ball into the hole in the least number of strokes possible. Whether it’s for your own personal satisfaction or if you’re in a

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Wrists Or No Wrists When Chipping?

Should your wrists be used when chipping around the green? Most Golfers advocate not using any wrists – though some Golfers do encourage a limited use of the hands and wrists. So the question that many Golfers

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Who’s Your Caddie?

Come on, tell me – Who’s Your Caddie? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a Golfer tell me that they played better when they’ve had a chance to play 18 holes with a Caddie.

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The Golden Rules Of The Golf Swing

What movement in sport has more to-do’s, along with more not-to-do’s than the golf swing? In the golf swing we have the Golden Rules like: we need to “shift our weight” – yet not “sway”. In the

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What’s The Toughest Task In Golf?

What’s the most difficult task to accomplish in golf? And please don’t say winning the Masters. So to rephrase this – What’s the most difficult task to accomplish for the mortal golfer? Well, this is just my

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The Weakest Part Of My Game

Why do all great Players say that the weakest part of their game is their short game and the vast majority of Monkey’s say that the weakest part of their game is their long game? Or let

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52 Ways to Stop Your Slice

If there’s one thing that haunts most golfers more than missing a 3-foot putt, it has to be slicing the ball off the tee. So this week I have written 2-different articles – the first being 52

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Choke On the Golf Course

How many times have you been on the verge of playing your best round ever only to “Choke” on the last couple of holes? What happened? Why’d you do it? This is kind of a loaded question

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So Why Such A Difference?

So last week we were trying to figure out why a Golfer I know that has been playing for 15 years has been a 21 handicap for 13 of those years and another golfer I know has

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The Disappearing Golf Swing!

Have you ever played a round of golf where you were hitting the golf ball well and then all of a sudden you lost your golf swing? We call that the Disappearing Golf Swing. We often hear

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Who’s On The First Tee?

Why is it that on the fist tee you can always tell who’s a Player and who’s struggling with inconsistency. I mean even before this golfer swings to hit the golf ball – you can tell how

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Hitting Fairways

In the last year we’ve had 73-golfers write on their Registration Evaluations that “in order to get lower scores, I need to hit the golf ball in the fairway more often.” That sounds like a reasonable request.

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See It, Feel It, Do It!

What’s happening on the golf course around the greens? It’s getting scary out there! When I go out on the golf course I see golfers walking up to play their short game shots with 4-different clubs in

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Why You Need Confidence

Golf, Golf, Golf – That’s what I want to do. Only if I do it well! I want my swing to be as smooth as Ernie’s and as powerful as Daly’s. I want my wedges to spin

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Find Your Balance

Why You Should – Go For It! There was a study recently done by a well respected Insurance Company that could relate to your golf game. In this study, the Insurance Company visited 10-different Senior Citizen centers

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Your Golf Swing On Vacation

It’s getting to be the time of the year when many Golfers get ‘the itch’. It’s been 2 or 3 months of cold, gray weather that’s not conducive to playing golf – so you get ‘the itch’

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Finally A Drill!

“Yes Marc, I understand that putting is extemely important as far as scoring well on the golf course. I know that I’m not as good a putter as I I need to be. I know that I

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Keeping Your Eye On The Ball

How much does the golf ball matter? No, not what brand of golf ball you’re using – they’re all basically the same. It just depends on whose marketing plan sounds best to you when you choose which

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How To Win Like Jim Furyk

Are you still working on “The Tour Putting Square”? Did you try it once or twice and have given up? Or maybe you’re not interested in improving your scores and haven’t even tried it. Or worse –

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Golf Tips For Your Golf Swing

“Are You A Harmless Fiddler Of The Golf Swing or A Compulsive Hoarder Of Golf Tips?” Actually, the above is a trick title for this article because there’s no such thing as a “Harmless Fiddler”. The seemingly

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Are You An Unsecure Golfer?

The building of a golf swing that will allow a Golfer to improve their consistency should be done one step at a time. Unfortunately many Golfers are not willing to accept the one step at a time

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Golf Lessons & Golf Grips?

We recently had a Golfer come to see us that was in a state of confusion about their golf game. And it seems that some of the prior golf lessons that he had, had brought him to

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How To Overcome Bad Golf Shots

What’s the hardest thing in golf? While you may ask eight different Golfers that question – you may receive eight different answers. Yet, the one answer that will always be in their Top 2 will be …

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How To Play With Slow Golfers

More than a few Golfers have written to me asking if I could write an article on “how to keep my poise and play golf with very slow Golfers”. This seems to be an issue that affects

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How To Stop Your Slice

Why is it that 7 out of 8 Golfers that aren’t happy with their Driver have the ‘problem’ of slicing the golf ball? It’s a dilemma that causes many Golfers to go to the extremes and often

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How Straight Is Straight?

How straight is straight? How straight can you hit your golf ball off the tee with your Driver? How straight should you hit it? Is there anyone in the world who can hit the ball perfectly straight?

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I Want To Hit My Driver!

Hitting your Driver is the greatest aspect of golf. There’s nothing I’d rather do more than be able to go on the golf course and hit my Driver. Walking to the tee of a Par 3 is

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Why You Need Drills and Games

How do you practice trying to improve your game? And when you do practice, how do you track if you’re getting better? Do you rely on if you’re feeling like you’re improving? Or do you track your

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Would You Rather…?

Below are some questions that pertain to your golf game. By answering these questions we can find out what type of Golfer you are, what gets you motivated to play better and what aspect of your game

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Tiger Is Back!

Tiger has just unseated Michael Jordan as the World’s most popular sports star. Now that’s an amazing task and I may be wrong, but I don’t believe any Golfer has ever been number 1 before. Maybe Arnold

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How To Continue Your Improvement

Do you know somebody who’s not practicing with the same attention to their Drills – somebody who has slowly crept back into the Monkey Syndrome of hitting golf ball after golf ball on the range trying to

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How Bad Are Bad Shots?

How many bad shots can you expect to hit during a round of golf? How many bad shots can you hit and still play your best round of golf ever? Have you ever thought about this? Is

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Tiger – Tiger – Tiger

There’s that word again – perfection. Though as good, or should I say great, or maybe invincible as Tiger is – he’s far from perfect! Nobody in this game is perfect. Yet, we still hear every week

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How To Hit Your Fairway Woods

How often do you have the dilemma of hitting your Irons well, but not hitting your Driver or Fairway Woods well? A Golfer said to me the other day that he needs to work specifically on his

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At Least We Have Golf!

The golf course may be the one place that we can all congregate and be on the same side – supporting to each other after bad shots and cheering one another after fabulous drives. It’s the place

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The 30 Minute Golf Lesson

The end of the golf season is approaching for many Golfers. As most Golfers in North America and Europe start to clean their clubs before putting them away in storage for the winter (you do clean them

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How To Hit Your Driver

Your Driver might just be the most important club in your bag. If you’re hitting it badly – you’re most likely not having a fun time on the golf course. Or to put it in even sharper

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Are Double Bogeys In Your PLAN?

It’s so easy to lose your focus and PLAN after making a Double or Triple bogey on the golf course. For most Golfers, a Double or Triple is often followed on the next hole with another Double

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A Master’s PLAN

The Masters is a good place to find ideas you can use to improve your golf game. The golf course plays tough; you have a grouping of the best Players in the world gathered together and they’re

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Is Your Golf Game On A Bad Streak?

“BAD STREAK” You’re Not Alone. We all go through “Good Streaks” on the golf course and “Bad Streaks”. Even Tiger and Annika go through their share of “Bad Streaks”. So you shouldn’t feel too bad when you

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How Are Your 200 Yard Golf Shots?

‘Would You Be Happy Shooting An 83?’ Are you interested in shooting an 83? Well, if you’re a 6 handicap … probably not. However, if you currently score in the 90’s or 100’s … it probably sounds

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How Are Your 200 Yard Golf Shots?

How many times do you expect to hit your golf ball onto the green from over 200 yards away? Well, before you read anymore, please say your answer aloud so that you’re committed to your answer throughout

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Do You Play Golf Like A Player?

Below are some questions that pertain to your golf game. By answering these questions we can find out what type of Golfer you are, what gets you motivated to play better and what aspect of your game

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Golf – Believe It or Not!

I recently observed a situation you mightl be surprised to hear. In fact, many of you may not believe this story at all. On the golf course the other day, I was watching a mid 90’s to

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Why Can’t I Improve!

Why is it that some Golfers improve so swiftly and some Golfers don’t improve as fast? How is it possible that we see a Golfer that struggles to break 100 and then within a few weeks, he/she

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How Do You Warm-up?

Your Warm-up to play golf can be such an over-looked aspect in how you play on the golf course. Many Golfers take it for granted how vital the process of warming-up can be to your results on

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Try This Golf Swing

These days more is written about the golf swing than I can ever remember. It seems as if almost every year there’s a hot new golf swing that everybody is trying. Did you try one of these

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Are You A Monkey Or A Player

Why do we call a frustrated Golfer a Monkey? It has nothing to do with one’s ability. It has to do with how a Golfer goes about learning. I’ve seen Monkey’s that shoot in the low 80’s

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How To Practice Over The Winter

Are you sick and tired of going into each new golf season with high expectations and then ending your season not reaching your goals? Then you promise yourself that you’re going to work hard during the winter

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Why Henry Hates Golf Part Two

Continuing from last weeks ‘Why Henry Hates Golf’ we left off with Henry saying to Marc that he is frustrated with his game and wants to become more consistent. Marc starts to speak about what the best

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Golfers Are Funny

‘I’m going to try to the Stack and Tilt. I’ve tried the 8 Step Swing, The X Factor, Slow and Low, Square to Square, along with every other new swing that has come out. ‘I’ve tried video

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Why Henry Hates Golf

“I hate this game! I hate it! Why do I play this stupid game? I quit – I’m never playing again!” Henry blasted himself. I heard Henry as he was walking to his car and wondered why

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The Best Golf Swing Ever Is Dead!

Golfers will go to great lengths to hit the golf ball better. Many Golfers have a tendency to believe just about anybody and everybody that promises to have a Theory on a better golf swing. And although

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Become Golfer Of The Year!

The story of the year in Golf just might be Zach Johnson. And his game might be a perfect blueprint for you to follow so that you can also have your game get to the next level.

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How To Achieve Your Golf Goals

Would you be happy if you shot what might be your best score ever in an important event or tournament, then shot a disappointing score the next round? Would you celebrate or would you lament?

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The Golden Rules Of The Golf Swing

Has there ever been an athletic movement more over taught, with “to-do’s” and “not-to-do’s” … than the golf swing? These Golden Rules cause more confusion in the Golf swing than they help to correct.

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Make A PLAN For Better Golf

The end of the golf season often ends with most Golfers dreaming about how much better they want to next spring. Which means an inconsistent season is often ended with the thought of next year … “I’m

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The Complex Golf Swing

One of the perks we receive at GMS is that we’re forwarded every email in hyperspace that has a reference to golf. Some are good, some are bad and some are excellent. I’ve now seen two excellent

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Get Your Golf Swing On A Good Streak

If there’s one trait that the most successful Players have, it’s coming back after a bad hole. Often times the biggest disappointment a frustrated Golfer can have is a ‘good streak’ of 4 or 5 holes followed

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Who Do You Play Golf For?

As we were looking through Golf Improvement Weekly archives for a quote of the week, we came across a Classic GIW from 2006. As we read it – we couldn’t stop laughing at how true it is.

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Is Your Golf Swing Difficult

Why is it that Golf is often referred to as the most difficult sport to play? Yes, golf is difficult if you want to score in the low 70‘s. Especially if you have only played for a

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Maximum, Repeatable Distance

What’s one of the major causes for Golfers hitting inconsistent tee shots? You all pretty much know the answer … it’s when you’re swinging too hard. But even though you’re constantly telling yourself to “swing easy” …

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Creating An Automatic Golf Swing

Why does it seem like some people are “naturally talented” at golf, while others “just can’t get it”? When the talented people first start to play … they soon begin to break 100 before busting through 90

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Have Fun With Your Driver

How Important Is It To Hit Your Driver Better? Just about every time you play 18 holes … you have 14 chances to hit a great drive. The question is: how many times out of those 14

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Are You A Golf Score Addict?

Are You A Golf Score Addict? Many Golfers believe it’s a good thing to be thinking about score during their round, before a particular shot or during their swing. But unfortunately, it’s the worst thing you could

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