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How You Practice Determines Your Success

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How You Practice Determines Your Success

Do you ever think about your practice on the driving range? Or do you just go out and hit ball after ball … hoping that something will eventually click?

If that’s how you practice your golf swing off the course … that’s most likely your strategy while on the golf course. Swinging at the ball thinking that something will click and produce a great shot.

With the hardest part of this process being able to repeat that one good swing with another one, and another, and another for what you hope is 46 consecutive good shots!

That’s like the person that says “I’m not going to work to make money … I’m just going to play the lottery each week until I win.”

Although you’ll most likely hit more good shots in a round of golf than the number of times you win the lottery … it still won’t produce enough satisfactory results to please you.

Hitting good shots isn’t a game of chance … it’s about aquiring skill through smartly designed practice sessions.

How Do The Best Coaches Do It?

If you watch football … you know that Alabama just won another College Football Championship — their 5th time in 9 years. So the question that could be asked that relates to your golf game is — ‘how are the coaches of that program able to have their players playing at such a high level … so consistently?’

The word I’ve heard is ‘competition’. They make each player compete at practice … every practice!

Do you feel like you’re competing for a chance to play when you practice your golf game? Or are you like the majority of Golfers out there hitting balls … hoping you find something?

When I speak about getting into a competitive attitude when practicing … you’re not competing for a spot to play against 4 other talented players at your position. However, adopting a Practice PLAN helps to put a competitive spirit into your practice.


Because it’s amazing what we can do when we push ourselves to do better. Yet, out of the Golfers going to hit golf balls … a big chunk of these Golfers aren’t improving or are getting worse.

Imagine if the Alabama football team was practicing and the team wasn’t getting better. Would their coach, Nick Saban, continue to practice the same way, practice after practice? “Alright team, we’ve lost a couple games in a row … let’s continue practicing the same way we’ve been practicing!”

How about you? If you’re not happy with how you’re hitting the golf ball … what do you do?

Do you go out without much of a PLAN besides just hitting range balls? Do you continue to work on the same specific thing in your swing? Do you work on something completely different? And most importantly … using these methods … did you see improvement or continued frustration?

With all the information literally at our finger tips … it’s easy for a Golfer to get distracted as far as what to work on in your swing. It’s so easy to watch a video on Youtube and then think – “yes, that’s me. That’s what I’m doing wrong!”

When in fact, it may have nothing to do with what the error in your swing is. And more to do with you being a Golfer that’s desperate for a solution.

Yet, the consistency you have will always come back to whether you have a Practice PLAN … or if you’re just hitting balls hoping something will suddenly click.

The Player understands how to read the flight of their ball and relate it to their Feel … thus, they can create a personalized Practice PLAN

The Monkey hits range balls hoping to one day hit the Golfer Lottery

Go ahead, be a Player!


Marc Solomon – Your Instructor For Life

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