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The Best Way To Fix Your Leaky Golf Swing

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Not being able to hit the ball well on the golf course is like being seasick 100 miles out in the ocean … as you have 4 hours of frustration and agony ahead of you before getting off that rocky boat.

So the question for the Golfer wanting to become more consistent is: ‘What do you need to work on in your golf swing to be able to get closer to hitting good shots?’

The answer never starts with “I need to work on everything.” Or “I need to completely change my golf swing.”

The answer to improving starts with finding the one issue in your golf swing that’s causing you to become inconsistent. We found that Golfers who feel that they have multiple swing issues – often just have one Primary Swing Fault that leads them to create Multiple Compensations.

Yet, if diagnosed correctly by a superior Golf Instructor – all those swing issues will be eliminated when the Primary Swing Fault is fixed.

An analogy to how you should think about fixing your golf swing would be the same as if the shower on the 2nd floor of your home had a small leak and the water got under the tile. The longer that leak is left unfixed … the more problems that will be created in other areas of your house.

Eventually, the ceiling of the living room directly below the shower would start dripping. And as that ceiling starts to saturate, the water would then drip into your kitchen. If the primary leak is still left untreated a little longer, the water would find another area and drip into your dining room.

So now you have water leaking into three rooms on the 1st floor.

What’s the first thing you need to work on?

Unfortunately, many Golfers and Instructors, would first fix the ceiling in each room to attempt to stop the dripping.

While the smart move would be to first find the primary leak. Because when that primary problem is fixed … it’s amazing how the other leaks would magically go away. Yes, you might have to do some ceiling work – however, it’s a lot easier when the primary leak is fixed.

It’s truly the same with your golf swing.

Find the Primary Swing Fault, fix it, and the other swing compensations will slowly dry-up and disappear. However, from what we see with many Golfers that come to our program – these Golfers have been trying to fix all the easy to find leaks in their golf swing instead of the primary leak. They spend more time trying to repair their swing … then actually improving their swing.

Meaning, instead of permanently fixing the Primary Swing Fault that is causing all the compensations … most Golfers are spending their practice time working on tips to fix the compensations. Why? Because the Primary Swing Fault is not as easy to find as the compensations. Just as it’s easier to see where each ceiling is dripping versus finding the source … the same is true in the golf swing.

For example: it’s easy to see that you picked up your head … any Monkey can see when that happens. Though, what’s important is finding out the Primary Swing Fault that is causing you to pick up your head?

That should be the question rather than just trying to force yourself to keep your head down with yet another golf tip you read in a magazine. Or another half hour lesson that amounts to nothing more than – “I see your problem, you have water dripping from your ceiling”.

Spend more time trying to dig deeper to find the source of your swing problems as that will allow you to have more time dedicated to improving your golf swing.

Whereas most Golfers are relegated to spending all their time trying to fix the patchwork they have created in their swing … thus, they never have anytime to work on improvement – they’re too focused on repairs.

The Monkey is spending their time fixing the drips in their swing … which just causes even more problems

The Player knows that by fixing their Primary Swing Fault … they eliminate all the drips

Go ahead, Be a Player!


Marc Solomon – Your Instructor For Life

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