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Simple Traits Of A Consistent Golfer

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The frustrated Golfer is constantly trying to incorporate new swing tips into their golf swing. Although trying a new tip into your swing each time you go to the golf course is a consistent habit. Trying to implement the swing tip into your golf swing is not.

So another way of trying to say this is: you’re consistently doing inconsistent things to your golf swing … thus, making you frustrated. And that frustration is making you attempt to implement even more techniques that are causing you to move even farther away from consistency. It’s a downward spiral as the more frustrated you become with your inconsistency – the more techniques you attempt to implement into your golf swing.

Thus, this is the #1 habit of the inconsistent Golfer.

Consistency is a relative word … meaning: what constitutes consistency depends on your skill level.

Because a Golfer that usually scores over 100 (a 30 handicap) would consider a round of golf that he/she scored a 93 as perhaps “the most consistent round of golf I have ever played!” The Golfer that usually scores around 78 (a 6 handicap) would consider that same score as “possibly the most inconsistent round of golf I have ever played!”

The same score – the same amount of shots taken – the same amount of skill showcased on each shot … yet one Golfer is buying drinks for everyone at the bar after this amazing feat. While the other Golfer is in the corner of the room muttering to himself about how his game has completely fallen apart and is certainly not telling anyone of his “gulp” 93?!?!

So consistency isn’t a standard universal measurement like measuring inches, yards or meters. Yes, 36 inches equals a yard. Yes, 1,000 meters equals 1 kilometer. But you can not say whether a 93 is a consistent score. It depends on the Golfer that is playing.

And the sooner an above 90 Golfer starts believing that statement – the sooner you will allow yourself to become more consistent.

A Golfer that scores above 90 isn’t usually satisfied if they hit 3 or 4 bad tee shots in a round. “Oowww, I’m so inconsistent off the tee. I need to find a new golf swing.” Yet, 3 or 4 bad swings out of the 14 Driver shots you take isn’t that bad. Really, it isn’t. As a 6 handicap is going to hit 3 or 4 bad tee shots in a round.

But the 6 handicap isn’t going to do something stupid and try to completely change their golf swing because of it. They’ll look at it and know that they hit 10 or 11 good drives – so they must be doing something well in their golf swing. They know that if they try to change their golf swing – there’s a very good chance things will reverse as they might start hitting only 4 good shots and 10 bad tee shots each round.

Many above 90 Golfers take the opposite approach and feel they need to try something new with their golf swing in order to become consistent. Hence the instant popularity and then rapid decline of fads such as the “one plane vs. two plane swing” – the “Stack and Tilt” – the “Golf Machine” – etc.

If you hit more good shots than bad shots … that means you’re closer to consistency than you think. Remember, what is inconsistent for a 6 handicap could very well be consistent for an above 90 Golfer.

And there could be some debate that a 6 handicap hitting 4 bad tee shots is actually more inconsistent than an above 90 Golfer hitting 4 bad tee shots. Think about it … shouldn’t a Golfer that shoots around 78 be hitting less bad drives than a Golfer that scores more than 12 strokes higher per round? So actually, in this scenario, the above 90 Golfer is in fact more consistent with their Driver than the 6 handicap.

Understanding your present skill level is of the utmost importance if you want to get to a higher skill level. Because if you’re continually trying new things in your golf swing in your search for consistency … in reality, you’re actually practicing inconsistent habits. Thus, how the heck can you expect to become consistent?

As virtually every successful business has a PLAN to improve profits. As every successful coach has a PLAN for their team to win. And as every person that wants to drive to a new destination in the shortest amount of time has a map or gps giving them directions – i.e. having a PLAN. Every Golfer that wants to see success needs a consistent PLAN that they consistently follow.

Remember – there is no such thing as a PLAN that you follow every-once-in-a-while. That type of PLAN isn’t a PLAN … that’s inconsistency.

If you want to be a consistent Player, then you need a PLAN that is based on your current skill level. Just as a 6 handicap shouldn’t follow the PLAN of an above 90 Golfer – the above 90 Golfer shouldn’t have the PLAN of a 6 handicap. If they do … they will never get to where they want to.

Go ahead, be a Player!


Marc Solomon

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