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“Do You Have One Consistent Golf Swing 0r Multiple Inconsistent Golf Swings?”

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The average Golfer uses eight different golf swings when playing a round of golf. Thus causing you to move farther and farther away from consistency because if becoming consistent with just one golf swing is not difficult enough … it’s even tougher to become consistent with eight different golf swings.

For example: If you’re having a difficult time getting your Driver swing consistent … when are you working on trying to improve your long iron swing, fairway wood swing, hybrid swing, mid iron swing, wedge swing, pitch swing and chip swing? If you can’t get one golf swing consistent … when are you expecting to get consistent with all eight?

How many different golf swings do you use over the course of 18 holes? If it’s more than one … we have some interesting information that may help you.

Since this is such an important topic, I’m going to repeat myself: The average Golfer has at least one golf swing for each of these facets: one swing for chipping, a different swing for pitching, another one for wedges, mid irons, long irons, hybrids, fairway woods, and Driver.

Do you have a different golf swing for each? If so … then you have just qualified to be accepted into the membership of the “Frustrated Golfers Society”.

Too many Golfers separate those eight facets and try to create a different golf swing for each. Yet what is surprising for many is that your golf swing could (and should) be consisting of the same movements with all eight. When you watch the best Players in the world (members of the “Consistent Golfers Society”), the only things that change for each shot are the club they use and the distance they swing that club. Other than that … it’s the same golf swing.

Now, I’m sure there are naysayers reading this saying “this Solomon guy is an idiot.” Well I’m not going to argue with you, as that may be true in many instances … however, not when it comes to golf and helping Golfers to improve.

Every year, we have over 1,000 Golfers traveling many, many miles to spend 3 days (8 hours each day) with us to improve their golf game and the enjoyment they experience on the golf course. And out of those over 1,000 Golfers, it would be safe to say that more than 80% come to us for the first time not happy with their consistency from golf swing to golf swing. And not coincidentally, each one of them had a different golf swing for each facet of the game.

Again, if you can’t become consistent with one golf swing … how are you going to be consistent with eight different golf swings?

Are you one of those Golfers? Well here’s a test for you: When on the golf course, do you ever have days where you hit your irons well … but have a bad day hitting your Driver? Or where you’re hitting your Driver well … but all of sudden you forget how to hit your irons?

“Oh, I’m hitting my Driver so well today. If I could only hit my irons better. I was hitting my irons great last week, but couldn’t hit my Driver. Today is just a total reversal.”

If you answered yes to either (or both) of those questions … you’re the Golfer with the different golf swings. And if you want to ever have a round of golf where it all comes together … you need to stop having a different golf swing for each.

Unfortunately for Golfers, the game has been taught for years where you learned a chipping stroke, then learned a pitching stroke, then learned an iron stroke, then learned a …..etc., etc., etc.

However, how much has your game improved since your initial 3 or 4 years playing golf? Because most people get stuck after 3 or 4 years. They start out playing and seeing improvement. And since they learned to play using a different stroke for each facet … they just continue doing it that same way for the rest of their time playing golf. Yet after your initial 3 or 4 years, your scores don’t improve much.

If you’re like most Golfers, you get stuck in a scoring rut. Or another way of saying it is that your scores plateau. You might have a really good game every once in a while … but you’re just as likely to have a really bad game. Though for the most part you get stuck in a scoring range that you can not improve on.

You know anyone like that?

Well, a lot of that can be attributed to trying to have a different golf swing for each facet of the game.

To give you an example: Watch a golf tournament on television. Watch the PGA Tour Player when he makes a golf swing with his Driver. Then watch when he hits his iron to the green. What do you see different besides the Driver being on the tee and the iron having the ball on the ground? Is he making a different motion?

Or is the only thing that is really different just the position of the golf ball, the club he is using and how far back he takes the golf club?

The same holds true for his iron shot versus his fairway wood shot. Is he doing anything differently besides having a different club? Now, there will be people saying that he’s swinging more down on the golf ball with the iron … yet I have to ask … is he? Or could the reason that it appears he is doing that be attributed to the fact that the fairway wood is a little longer and has a different sole … thus not allowing it to dig into the ground as the iron does.

Yet the members of the “Frustrated Golfers Society” will cry till their dying breath that you need to sweep your fairway woods and hit down on your irons … even though they have always been inconsistent doing so themselves. Though I’m convinced that they say this because that is what they’ve always heard … so if you hear something repeated enough … it must be true.

However, it is essential to note that these Golfers do not belong to the “Consistent Golfers Society” and will probably never relinquish their membership in the “Frustrated Golfers Society”. Yet, the most important question you should now be asking yourself is – “Which Society would I rather belong to?”

The Monkey uses at least eight different golf swings at various times on the golf course

The Player understands that to become consistent you need to be consistent with one golf swing

Go Ahead, Be A Player!

Marc Solomon

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