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Swing Rhythm & Pace … find your natural swing

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Synchronizing your swing going back, and making a smooth transition to swinging through … is the simplest and most reliable way to find your swing

The pace you swing back is Tick

The pace you swing through is Tock

Tick Tock

Tick Tock

Easily repeatable

A consistent, error-free golf swing is based on timing … the coordination of your body parts

The closer you are to having a smooth swing … the better your swing aligns to hitting a good golf shot

The less synchronicity … the worse your shot

Golf is really that simple

Too much is made about the preciseness of swing technique/mechanics

Much of what golf instruction teaches you to do … actually will happen naturally … if you allow it

Yet, with a mind cluttered … trying to connect the do’s and don’ts in your swing

Head down

Eye on ball

Turn shoulders

Rotate hips

Don’t sway

Swing inside to outside

Blah, blah, blah 😑 

You’re actually making these above issues happen more often … as you block your swing’s natural rhythm … throwing off your timing

The smooth swinging Pro that wins the Tournament … is the one whose mind wasn’t overtaken by swing mechanics 

As opposed to the Golfer trying to coordinate the above swing techniques (and possibly more) … while trying to whack a small golf ball … playing/practicing once or twice a week (or less)

Thus learning Tick Tock … turns your brain off … and lets your natural swing flow more often 

Which often self-corrects the lingering bad habits you’re often trying to correct

Is Tick Tock the cure-all for your golf swing? Maybe yes, maybe no … yet, fixing your pace of swing … is a good place to start 

Tick Tock will re-engage your smooth swing

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