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4 Shots For 9 Holes … 8 Shots In 18 Holes

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If you could hit your Driver 10 yards straighter on your worst curving shot so that the ball stays in play as opposed to having to punch out of the trees or taking a penalty for being in the water.

If you could hit one more green from 150 yards away … as opposed to missing the green. Thus needing only 2 putts to get the ball into the hole instead of a chip and two putts.

If you could improve as little as having one more chip stop 2 feet from the hole … as opposed to 8 feet from the hole.

If you could improve as little as making just one more putt from 7 feet … as opposed to needing two putts.

If you improve just a tiny amount in each of the above four categories you would improve 4 strokes per 9 holes. If you could do this on both 9’s … you’d improve 8 strokes.

The beauty of the above is that you don’t need to become much better of a putter, or chipper or iron player or Driver. You just need to improve enough to get one shot better in each category … if so, your score is going to be 8 strokes better!

This simplified approach to improvement (a PLAN) is important because most Golfers try to improve by redoing their entire golf swing to get 4 to 8 strokes better. Yet, what often happens is that they end up getting 4 to 8 strokes worse with all the changes.

In reality – there isn’t much perceptible difference in the swing of a 20 handicap and a 12 handicap. If you watch both of these Golfers hit 5 to 10 balls on the driving range … you’d be hard pressed to determine who was the 20 and who was the 12. Now I understand there will be doubters … but we stand on the driving range everyday … there isn’t much difference in how they hit the golf ball.

The difference is the 12 handicap is making 1 more putt, 1 better chip, 1 additional green, and 1 extra Drive that stays in play each 9 holes than the 20 handicap. It’s not that the 12 handicap is consistently hitting 250 yards drives straight … while the 20 handicap is hitting sub-200 yard drives left and right.

By following this PLAN of a small improvement in each area … if you currently score around 95 for 18 holes – you’re now a Golfer that averages 87.

It’s really as simple as that … one small improvement in four areas of your game … leads to big improvements in score.

We’ve found that when you have a smart PLAN … most people just need only a little work on their golf swing to improve 4 to 8 strokes. As opposed to the complete redo most Golfers end up getting when going for a lesson. On the other hand … we recommend that you learn to become just a little bit better in four parts of your game.

Yes, this is a different approach than most people use when it comes to trying to improve scores. But maybe that’s why most Golfers don’t improve their score after their initial 4 years of playing golf.

Whereas, once you get to that next level … we believe you should then go inside your game and improve a little more in each aspect again to make the next jump.

But, the average Golfer (and unfortunately, Instructor) believe that big changes are initially needed to make big improvements.

Luckily, over the years, we’ve learned that frustration isn’t necessary.

The Monkey feels there’s a big difference between a 12 handicap and a 20 handicap

The Player makes tiny improvements in four parts of their game … and becomes the 12 handicap

Go ahead, be a Player!


Marc Solomon – Your Instructor For Life

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