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Have You Ever Hit A Poor Golf Shot?

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Have you ever hit a poor shot

That started a disappointing streak of bad shots

Where your 4 previous shots went well

You were swinging the club naturally

Your motion was fluid

Your head was clear

Yet, after 1 bad shot in 5

Your brain starts looking for solutions

What did I do wrong?

Did I lift my head?!

I got to keep my head down!

So ‘head down’ is now stamped on your brain … to prevent it from popping up again

Golfers are often diligent in not letting swing errors repeat … so the brain starts to focus on the perceived swing problem … detracting from your coordination

As you’re now multitasking your golf swing … as ‘head down’ leap frogs your previous tasks (that were working) … and your swing checklist is now out of the order you had practiced at the range … and were doing well with

Has that happened to you?

If so, our suggestion –

Consciously breathe

Slowly fill your lungs with oxygen 

It will help you re-engage into what you were doing well prior … by snapping your mind out of analytical mode … so that your brain doesn’t take over your golf swing

Go back to having one simple swing thought that involves motion … for example: the GMS Stepping Drill helps Golfers regain a rhythmic motion with less thinking … by re-engaging the feel of a fluid follow-through

As opposed to trying hard to keep your head down … further restricting a smooth, consistent motion from happening … and limiting follow-through


Motion Drill


Motion Drill

Will re-engage your smooth Tick Tock swing

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