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How To Choose The Best Golf School For You

Named The 3rd Best Golf School In America By Men's Journal Magazine

1. Butch Harmon Schools of Golf
2. Dave Pelz Scoring Game School
3. Golf Made Simple Golf Schools

How To Choose The Best Golf School For You

Named The 3rd Best Golf School In America By Men's Journal Magazine

1. Butch Harmon Schools of Golf
2. Dave Pelz Scoring Game School
3. Golf Made Simple Golf Schools

Ask These 12 Questions Before Buying Any Golf Lessons

How to choose the best golf school starts with 12 simple questions. These questions will help you gather essential information and ensure that the Instructor you choose aligns with your needs and expectations.

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1. Do You believe in the philosophy of "you have to get worse before you get better"?

At GMS, we do not subscribe to this philosophy. We believe that you should see improvement from the very first day of instruction. If you are not getting better right away, the instruction plan may be incorrect for your game. Our approach ensures that you see tangible improvements quickly, helping you build confidence and skill from the get-go.

2. Do You Teach A Pre-Determined Or ‘One-Size Fits All’ Swing?

At GMS, we do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. At GMS, we understand that every golfer is unique. Our instructors help each golfer develop a personalized swing that suits their ability level, physical attributes, and practice time. We encourage you to ask any golf school how they tailor their instruction to individual needs. Many will struggle to provide a satisfactory answer. At GMS, we have a proven process for helping you find your swing.

3. Do you include on the golf course instruction?

At GMS, on-course instruction is a critical part of our program. We take you from the practice area to the golf course, providing real-world application of what you’ve learned. This approach helps you transfer your driving range skills to the golf course effectively, ensuring that you improve where it matters most. We cover everything from creating a PLAN to visualization techniques on the course.

4. What is the student to instructor ratio?

At GMS, we maintain a strict 4-to-1 student-to-instructor ratio. This allows for personalized attention and ensures that you get the most out of your instruction time. Additionally, we group golfers according to their skill levels, unless specifically requested otherwise (e.g., by couples or friends). This focus on similar skill levels helps create a more effective learning environment.

How to choose the best golf school

5. Do your Instructors work full time for your company or are they 3rd party subcontractors?

At GMS, instructors at Golf Made Simple (GMS) are full-time employees, dedicated entirely to our programs. Unlike many other golf schools that rely on part-time subcontractors, our instructors are committed to providing consistent, high-quality instruction. You can verify this by Googling their names; you’ll find they are exclusively associated with GMS, unlike instructors who juggle multiple roles at different schools.

6. who specifically will by my instructor and what are their credentials?

At GMS, all our Instructors are highly qualified and experienced PGA members. However, not all PGA professionals have the same level of teaching expertise. Smilar to doctors, lawyers, engineers, school teachers … not all PGA members are trained Instructors. Our instructors are PGA Members and additionally must first attend the 5 week GMS Instructor Training Program before teaching with GMS. We ensure that our instructors are not just PGA members but also seasoned educators who have a proven track record of improving golfers’ skills.

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7. Do you provide your instructors with additional training besides their limited PGA training?

Absolutely, at GMS our instructors undergo continuous training to stay updated with the latest teaching methods and techniques. Unlike other schools that hire part-time subcontractors with no additional training, we ensure our instructors are well-equipped to help you improve. We encourage you to ask about the training programs of any golf school you are considering. Additionally at GMS, we have created a mandatory 5 week instructor training program … while also continuing with comprehensive training through their career with GMS. This ensures consistent quality instructors that will help you achieve your golfing goals.

8. will i have the same instructor the entire time of my lessons?

At GMS, you will have the same instructor throughout your entire program at GMS. We believe that consistency is key to effective learning. Switching from one instructor to another can be disruptive and counterproductive, much like getting transferred between customer service agents. Your dedicated instructor will get to know your game intimately and provide consistent guidance.

9. will there be a dynamic plan that addresses my personal needs and goals?

At GMS, each golfer is instructed with a personalized PLAN tailored to their game and goals. Our process begins with a Golfer Evaluation and continues with daily adjustments and feedback through interaction between golfer and instructor. This dynamic approach ensures that your instruction is always relevant and focused on your individual needs and gaining traction towards realizing your goals.

How to choose the best golf school for you

10. will you teach me how to practice better than the typical monotany of hitting ball after ball?

At GMS, we emphasize the importance of effective practice. Simply hitting golf balls at the range is not enough. At GMS, we teach you how to practice like you play, ensuring that your practice sessions are productive and focused on improvement. We provide you with a Practice PLAN that goes beyond drills, helping you see continued improvement on the golf course.

11. Why Will Your Teaching Methods Stay With Me?

At GMS, our teaching methods are designed to address the root causes of your swing issues, not just the symptoms. This ensures that the improvements you make at GMS stick with you long after you’ve completed the program. We provide you with a comprehensive understanding of your swing and a PLAN for continuous improvement, ensuring that you can maintain and build on your progress.

12. is there any follow-up or continuing education?

At GMS, we believe in continuous improvement and support. After completing your program, you will have access to our Player Page, which includes all our drills and lessons. This resource allows you to continue practicing and improving even after your time with us. We also offer options for continued communication, ensuring that you can get help whenever you need it.