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Make A Consistent, Effortless Golf Swing

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Have you ever hit a golf shot that felt so good and effortless that you said to yourself – “that was perfect. Why can’t I consistently make that same golf swing everytime?”

What’s the issue that’s standing in your way of an effortless golf swing and being able to say: “I hardly felt like I put any effort into that swing and look how far it went!”

The difference between effortless consistency and annoying inconsistency can be traced using ‘Cause and Effect’ to the start of your golf swing. While most Golfers are focused on “trying to stay on plane” or “stop coming over the top” or “holding the angle of my wrists through impact” … GMS believes those issues are the ‘Effects’ of other problems in your golf swing.

Thus those misdiagnosed afflictions can not be fixed until the ‘Cause’ is fixed. And if you keep working on trying to fix those ‘Effects’ … well, they’ll keep coming back to create inconsistency in your golf swing until you find the ‘Cause’.

Have you had any of those problems – yet are never able to fix them regardless of the amount lessons you have taken or the amount of practice time you have spent on the practice range? Well now you know why you can’t fix them … it’s because you’re trying to fix an ‘Effect’ – when you should be working on finding the ‘Cause’. “Coming over the top” or “not swinging on plane” or “not being able to lag the club” are not “Causes” … they are “Effects”.

Find The Cause … And You’ll Fix The Effect

For example: we have found that about 85% of Golfers start their backswing exclusively with their hands. And we have found that the average Golfer that starts with their hands – moves their clubhead higher than their knees on the backswing before the rest of their body becomes active. Now, that might not mean much to you, however – that means your clubhead is moving over 2 feet before the rest of your body starts to react.

And if you’re 2 feet out of position only an 1/8 of the way into your golf swing – think about how out of position you probably are as you get to impact. Well, you probably don’t have to think about it as the golf ball has been showing you the result of being that far off … swing after swing after swing.

We have found that when a Golfer starts everything together on their backswing – it becomes easy to keep everything moving together through impact … thus creating a smooth, effortless golf swing.

Compensations Equal Inconsistency –

The More You Compensate, The More Inconsistent You Are

The above example is a major reason for your inconsistency. And it also explains the scenario that many Golfers see week after week: that when you really work hard to get rid of a slice – you end up overcompensating and hitting a low hook or hitting the golf ball straight up in the air or hitting a low worm-burner 30 yards into the rough. This is because your golf swing was disconnected from the very start, thus most often causing a slice. However, when you try to fix your golf swing to overcome that slice – you end up overcompensating and hitting the golf ball even worse!

When you’re inconsistent, it’s because your hands, your body and the clubhead aren’t working together in your golf swing. Each is working independently … which means bad golf shots. We have found that Golfers that start their golf swing primarily with their hands — most often have their clubface open at impact … hitting a slice. However, when you go to take a normal golf lesson – the pro often talks about the need for you to turn over your forearms or wrists prior to impact so that you close the clubface at impact.

However, that is just another compensation you’re throwing on top of other compensations to fix an ‘Effect’.

What do I mean by that? Your slice isn’t happening because you weren’t turning your forearms or wrists … your slice is happening because you aren’t in control of the club from the very start of the golf swing and you’re approaching the golf ball with an open clubface. So you end up hitting a slice, then on the next golf swing … you overcorrect and hit a worse shot to the left. And now you’re more lost with your golf swing than ever before.

Thus, that’s why most Golfers get worse while taking a traditional golf lesson. And the worst of it is that before the golf lesson … at least you knew which way the golf ball was going to fly 3 times out of 4. Now you have no idea what will happen next.

So how does GMS help Golfers to become consistent?

One of the most successful GMS drills we use with our Golfers is the Parallel Hands Drill. This drill allows you to feel how everything starts consistently in your backswing. It allows you to sense how your body becomes coordinated with your hands – and even more importantly, it allows you to feel if something is moving out of place.

This drill allows our Golfers to start feeling what their backswing should feel like. And because of that, they’re able to continue with a smooth motion throughout their golf swing. Whereas in the past, they would be so disconnected before the golf club was even knee high, that the rest of their golf swing was just one compensation after another trying to regain control of their clubhead.

Thus, feeling hopelessly inconsistent with your golf swing.

That’s why drills like Parallel Hands are so valuable and are critical to finally allowing you to feel connected in your golf swing. It forces everything to work together and it’s something that you can practice over and over again — as your golf swing gets better and better.

The Monkey continues to be inconsistent while working on fixing the ‘Effects’ in their golf swing

The Player knows an effortless golf swing starts with understanding ‘Cause and Effect’

Go ahead, come to GMS and learn to become a Player


Marc Solomon

Your Instructor For Life

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