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Do Not Swing Toe-up To Toe-up. Another GMS Video To Improve Your Golf Swing

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Based on working with over 1,200 Golfers each year … one of the most taught golf tips that Golfers are working on is called “Toe-up to Toe-up”.

Unfortunately for people trying to improve their golf swing … “Toe-up to Toe-up” has been taught so often that it has been pretty much annointed as being as important as “keeping your head down” and “keeping your left arm straight”.

Yet “Toe-up to Toe-up” is not a fundamental of the golf swing. It’s actually a technique that is making it more difficult for you to gain any consistency in your golf swing. And “yes” I understand this statement will come as a shock to many Golfers that have religiously accepted “Toe-up to Toe-up” as being one of the most important fundamentals of the golf swing.

For those not familiar with “Toe-up to Toe-up” … it’s the swing technique of making an unecessary manipulation so that the toe of the club is pointing up towards the sky by the time your club is about hip high in your backswing. Then as you swing down through the golf ball … it is the act of making sure the toe is pointing up towards the sky once the club is hip high on the follow-through.

The problem is that by trying to get “Toe-up” on your backswing … in reality you have actually put the clubface into a position that will promote a slice.

In reality, “Toe-up” is an open clubface – so before you are 1/4 of the way into your golf swing … you have already created inconsistency.

GMS sees the pain and agony that so many Golfers go through because they have been instructed to work on “Toe-up to Toe-up”. So we produced this video for you to watch so that you can see why “Toe-up” is a bad technique, as well as showing you what you should be looking for.

Go Ahead, Be A Player!


Marc Solomon

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