What will help a person hit the golf ball better and improve their consistency faster than any swing method or tip?
Having a pre swing routine to bring your brain into a passive role … so your body can move naturally and intuitively … rather than your brain getting in the way of a good swing
Can you name a sport where the player uses a routine before starting their movement?
A tennis serve starts before the player tosses the ball in the air
An Olympic swimmer’s routine starts before the starters beep
A gymnast begins before their first movement
And the players on the LPGA and PGA Tour practice their pre swing routine so that it enhances their swing ability on the golf course and under pressure to perform at their best
Yet, the typical recreational Golfer scoring above 85 spends very little (or no time) on their pre swing preparation and mindset
Why is this? Why do the best Golfers always use a pre swing routine, and practice it … yet, most Golfers don’t give it much thought?
Because most people are convinced that the effectiveness of their golf swing is determined by swing mechanics … that this arm has to be here and that hip needs to be there, and your head can never move (or it’s instant failure). And they have tried to improve these techniques without ever realizing that their pre swing directly effects the consistency of their swing
The professionals realize a pre swing routine helps their swing to perform better … and if you hear a media interview with a pro being asked “what’s the one tip you’d give a regular Golfer” … the answer is most often about acquiring a routine, working on it, and sticking with it
And this is coming from a person with an already fantastic golf swing … imagine how much a routine would help an inconsistent Golfer to become a little more consistent
Make your golf swing more routine … by coming to Golf Made Simple