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Playing So A Slow Golfer Won’t Affect Your Game

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What Can You Do When Playing With A Slow Player … to get them moving a little swifter

‘Can you please pickup your pace … we’re falling behind’ … can create an awkward situation for the next 15 holes

What can you do to help this person realize they are slow? Because most slow Golfers don’t realize it

They are so caught up in the process (swing, yardage, club selection) or in conversation … they forget to play golf

It’s tough playing ‘hit and wait’ … hole after hole. Excitement about hitting … grudge about waiting … concentration and flow never get going

One person can upset an entire golf course … if the 8:34 am group takes 5 hours to play … how long will it take the 10:18 am group?

Here’s a process that may help:

Where’s the slow-down in their game?

Are they slow getting to their ball?

Are they slow in shot preparation?

Do they stand over the ball forever?

Perhaps all of the above?!!

Now it’s up to you to communicate with love and respect that … ‘we are all trying our best out here … playing this challenging game’

And by referencing the questions above … they may become more conscious of where the slowness is happening. They may have been told about their slowness … and have tried to speed up … but if they don’t know where they are slow … how can we expect them to fix it?

Slow play isn’t fun … 4 1/2+ hours is a long time … if we want to play a fluid round of golf … it’s up to us Golfers … to be part of the solution’Have Fun Playing Golf!’

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