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The Best Way To Practice Your Golf Swing

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If you’re looking to improve your golf game and understand how a Player practices (as opposed to how a struggling Golfer practices) – read the below paragraphs and fill in the blanks as they pertain to your golf game. Then below that section – we’ll explain how you can use your answers to improve your golf game, golf scores and golf swing.

The worst part of my game is _______. If I wanted to improve this part of my game, I should _______.

In the next week, I’m going to devote ___ hours to working on the worst part of my game that I listed above. I’m going to go to _______ (name of golf course/driving range) to practice improving that part of my game. First I’ll get warmed up by _______ . Then I’ll get into trying to improve this part of my game by working on _______ (what part of that swing should you work on first).

I will then practice doing this for about ___ minutes. Then I’ll move on to ________ (another part of that swing). And I’ll practice that for ___ minutes or until I feel satisfied with my progress.

Once you feel that you made improvements (a couple of days or weeks later), you must ask yourself the same questions again and work on the next part of your game that’s holding you back from consistency.

Then the next time you go out on the golf course, you must determine if you improved the worst part of your game. Now what’s improvement? Well, if you say that your Driver is the worst part of your game because you lose 4 golf balls each round … and after practicing using the system above – you only lose 2 golf balls the next time on the golf course – that’s improvement. Anyone that doesn’t think that that’s improvement – will never allow themselves to improve.

You’re looking for improvement – not perfection!

Has anyone ever used a sheet of paper to write down the above practice PLAN or something similar? Or do you do what the typical Monkey does? Which is to just go to the practice range when you get the urge, buy a bucket of golf balls, start with your wedge and move to your 7 iron and then to your 5 iron and then to your Driver (for at least half the bucket of balls).

Or do you wait till the last 30 or 45 minutes before your round to practice hitting golf balls before going to the 1st tee?

Most successful Athletes/Golfers have a PLAN to improve. They know what they need to work on. And they set aside time to do it. For example – do you think that Lance Armstrong just got on his bicycle and started pedaling when he went out to practice? Or did he sit down and figure out what his practice schedule should be for each day of the week?

How about Roger Federer the tennis player? Do you think he just goes to the court to practice a few serves, then volley with another tennis player and then maybe play a set or two? Or does he look back on what he needed to improve on from his last match and then worked exclusively on that until he felt good about it.

And of course Tiger. Do you think he has a PLAN? Well, maybe you could blame Tiger’s early exit from the British Open on his wayward Driver. I guess Tiger did, because when he came back for 3 events in a row (two 1st’ place finishes and a 2nd place) his Driver was much improved. Do you think he came up with a practice PLAN to improve his Driver for those 3 events?

And now that he felt that his putter let him down at his 2nd place finish (the PGA Championship), does anyone want to bet against Tiger’s putting in his next event? Why are we probably going to see improvement in his putting? Because he probably has a practice PLAN all set-up to make sure his stroke is better in his next tournament.

Maybe Tiger doesn’t say exactly word for word what I wrote above (where you fill in the blanks about your game), but I’m sure it’s pretty darn close. How do I know? Because Tiger has a practice PLAN. And that’s how you set one up.

We could get into any sport with just about any of the great ones that have succeeded in that sport and you’ll probably find a common link amongst their practice routines. Meaning:
The setting up a practice PLAN based on improving their weaknesses
How they stay focused on that one thing they most need to work without skipping around to other tasks
That they continue to practice that task until they’re satisfied with their improvement and then determine their next weakness to improve
The concept the majority of Golfers use to improve – “Oh, I’m just going to go hit some golf balls.”

If you set-up a practice PLAN: Do you think that that you would improve more than if you didn’t set up a practice PLAN? If your answer is that you would accomplish more – then why aren’t you doing it?

I do know why many Golfers don’t practice. And I’d love to say it, but I having a feeling many Golfers would be offended if I do. So I’m going to watch my tongue. Yet, if you’re the kind of Golfer that doesn’t want to use the “Oh, I never practice” excuse to brush off your bad shots – then I suggest that you set-up a practice PLAN.

Now before we’re bombarded with emails saying – “Well, how do I set-up a practice PLAN?” I suggest that you go back to the very top of this article. Highlight the 2nd through 5th paragraph, hit Control (Ctrl button) and the letter “c” to copy (or right click your mouse and select copy). Then open Microsoft Word and hit Control and the the letter “v” to paste (or right click your mouse and select paste).

Type your answers in the blanks. Print the document. And then put it in your wallet or purse so that it bugs you every day you don’t practice what you typed in. The first step in a practice PLAN is to determine what you need to work on. The second step is to get your butt out there and do it. 8 out of every 8 Golfers want to improve – however, unfortunately 7 out of every 8 Golfers reading this won’t do what’s suggested. They’ll read this, think that it’s too simple to do – and they won’t do it.

Well, it may be simple, but it works. The old phrase states – “A long journey starts with the first step.” And the oldNew Jerseylottery used to advertise – “You gotta be in it to win it!” Well, regardless of whichever scripture you follow – the message clearly states that you need to somehow start the process. And that’s what those paragraphs at the top are doing for you. It’s helping you start the process.

The Monkey either goes to the range and hits too many balls without a defined purpose or they just don’t go to the range

The Player has their practice all mapped out for them before they get to the range – that’s why we call it a practice PLAN

Go ahead, Be A Player!


Marc Solomon – Your Instructor For Life

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